Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

I am puttin gthese here to remind myself of these Wealth File Rules from T Harv Eker's book:

Rich people believe "I create my life."
Rich people play the money game to win.
Rich people are committed to being rich.
Rich people think big.
Rich people focus on opportunities - not obstacles.
Rich people admire other rich and successful people.
Rich people associate with positive, successful people.
Rich people promote themselves and their value.
Rich people are bigger than their problems.
Rich people are excellent receivers.
Rich people choose to get paid based on results, not on time.
Rich people think "both" - not "either/or".
Rich people focus on their net worth, not their income.
Rich people manage their money well.
Rich people have their money work hard for them.
Rich people act in spite of fear.
Rich people constantly learn and grow.

"If you are willing to only do what is easy, life will be hard.
But if you are willing to do what's hard, life will be easy." - T. Harv. Eker

Where to Invest Now (and Where Not)


Lists the lowest-5 median markets (using MLS data from metro areas) as:
region median asking price change
Pittsburgh, PA $119,900 -2600 (2.12%)
Indianapolis,IN $139,900 0
Dallas, TX $150,990 -3010 (1.95%)
Louisville, KY $155,000 +50 (0.03%)
Cincinnati, OH $157,900 -2000 (1.25%)

Here are the biggest negative changes in the past 6 months:
region median asking price change %
New Orleans, LA $215,000 -20000 -8.51%
Detroit, MI $119,900 -10100 -7.77%
Sacramento, CA $365,000 -30000 -7.59%
Cleveland, OH $147,900 -12000 -7.50%
SantaBarbara,CA $829,000 -66000 -7.37%

Here are the biggest positive changes in the past 6 months:
Boise, ID $284,900 1550 0.55%
SaltLakeCity,UT $279,900 4900 1.78%
Atlanta, GA $204,900 4900 2.45%
Nashville, TN $218,000 13000 6.34%
Raleigh, NC $229,900 20000 9.53%

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What I've Been Doing...

Trying to get over my trepidation with talking to sellers. I called this one person several times and each time he was not able to talk. Doesn't sound motivated...

I am going to call another person (probably an investor) today to discuss his multiple properties for sale. Maybe I can wholesale them.