Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Who are you?

The carpet guys are coming tomorrow. Cool!

I did get one call on the toll free number yesterday. Some woman called, then said she was not calling for herself but was a service that put renters and landlords together - at no charge to the landlord. She asked about my property, etc.

After I hung up I became concerned that she is obligating me to soemthing I didnt sign up for...Why would someone pay her $150 to find a place when all she does is go through the Newspaper Ads? I hope she realizes that I still have my own screening process and I WILL reject someone who doesn't qualify regardless of what they paid her. Not sure what the real deal is here...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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acura equipment
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acura trouble
acura automatic transmission
acura detonation
acura oxygen sensor

Thank you!

2:33 PM  

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